Ron Dailey, Songwriter, Novelist and Poet, Logo

When the Sun Comes Up written by Ron Dailey

(478) 957-5153
Perry, GA 31069
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Captain Ron

Ron Dailey Now
Today, Almost Civilized!

Meet Ron Dailey

Ron's writing career began in the 1970s and 1980s when he started writing love poetry and songs. Crossing all genres, Ron has written five novels:

  • Pockets of Love, a World War II romance
  • You Have the Right to Remain Silent, a detective suspense
  • Rattlesnake Suspenders, a mind-blowing time travel and romance novel
  • A Doll Without A Face, a detective thriller
  • Black Moon, a romance thriller. He is also the author of Forever My Dove.

Treasures of Life

Drawing upon his life experiences and those with whom he comes in contact, Ron writes about what is good in life and the treasures that are buried beneath the surface.

Ron says there are some experiences in life that are just too rich to put into words. However while folding the story of Forever My Dove, he tried earnestly to relate friendship and love at its best. He has felt love and friendship in its highest form, and many of his poems in Forever My Dove and his novels have come with a gift of tears and laughter.


Ron's psych background as a therapist working in emergency rooms lends to a realistic integration of the lives of the hero and heroine in his novels. Additionally, this has developed his writing ability associated with psychoses.

His medical background feeds his realistic characters in time of war on the battlefield, roadside wrecks, snakebites, murders, serial killings, and realistic settings in the emergency rooms.

Additional past work experiences include working as a training center psychologist and behavior specialist, director of a mental health and mental retardation program, and a therapist in emergency rooms. Ron also worked as a production manager at Robins Air Force Base.

Ron Dailey Then
Georgia College 1973


Ron writes about the true treasures of life, Jesus Christ, decency, love, and happiness.

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